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Carolyn Dorfman Dance’s 2025 Fundraising Benefit supporting the company’s premiere
Arts Education and Community Impact, statewide, nationally, and internationally.
Help us continue to REACH, connect, and build community through the power of Dance!
Your contribution makes an enormous difference
Full Table for 12, Event Signage, Full-Page Virtual Ad
Your visionary leadership makes possible the continuation and preservation of CDD‘s exemplary artistic performances and the profound impact of its educational and community programming throughout NJ, nationally, and internationally.
Full Table for 10 and Full-Page Virtual Ad
Your enthusiasm for our innovative dance education and curriculum brings the magic of our DEPTH programming (Dance that Empowers People To be more Human) to thousands of students of all ages each season.
8 Seats and Half-Page Virtual Ad
Your generosity and dedication to our creative growth brings renowned guest artists and diverse artistic voices as we create “worlds” that celebrate the uniqueness and commonalities of the human journey.
6 Seats and Half-Page Virtual Ad
You know that without Dancers there is no Dance. This gift funds our greatest need to support our dancers/teaching artists for 30 weeks each season. The artists live the art!
4 Seats and Quarter-Page Virtual Ad
Your partnership helps us connect with community partners to bring the bold, powerful, and moving art and artists of CDD to underserved communities, including people with disabilities, seniors, hospital centers, and more.
1 Seat and Listing in the Program
Your friendship and support provide for our current needs and inspires our plans for the future.